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    I just received an article entitled “The illusion of evidence based medicine“, in BMJ 2022; 376 doi: https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o702/article-info Published 16 March 2022: BMJ 2022;376:o702in The BMJ (the British Medical Journal) is arguably, the world’s premier medical journal in terms of length of service, ethics, reputation and kudos: this editorial is of the utmost importance and I hope that visitors to this website will read it. The gist of the article is: “Evidence-based medicine has been corrupted by corporate interests, failed regulation, and commercialisation of academia” …… and ………“The release into the public domain of previously confidential pharmaceutical industry documents has…

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    New PAPER: re. MORTALITY AFTER HEART ATTACK I just received a recent paper, entitled “Association of Financial Strain With Mortality Among Older US Adults Recovering From an Acute Myocardial Infarction“, In JAMA Intern Med. Published online February 21, 2022, doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2021.8569, By Jason R. Falvey, PT, DPT, PhD1; Alexandra M. Hajduk, PhD, MPH2; Christopher R. Keys, JD3; et al Sarwat I. Chaudhry, MD4 . The paper reads as follows:“Between 5% and 7% of all older adults in the US report severe financial strain, defined as substantial difficulty meeting monthly needs.1 Severe financial strain among older adults is associated with lower medication adherence,2 which may negatively affect recovery for older…

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    The US FDA says that Bioidenticals are a “Public Health Concern”. A ban on BHRT is likely. From an article in the “Green Medicine” Magazine by Jonathan V. Wright M.D. | Mar 7, 2022 | GM Articles, and Susan Merenstein. [1] THAT’S TERRIBLE FOR WOMEN IN THE USA,BUT WHAT ABOUT WOMEN IN CANADA ? The US FDA has announced [2] that, based on a study which they commissioned, [3] the use of compounded BHT is a public health concern: a ban on BHRT is likely.The FDA will likely move quickly to ban these critical medicines, starting with Estriol, which by…

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    MELATONIN SUPPLEMENTS SUBJECTED TO LIBEL Over the past month or so, I have seen no less than 6 headlines in my news feed, to do with the dangers of taking Melatonin Supplements. This one, a diatribe about an article from NCCIH (a branch of the NIH, the National Institute of Health), came in on the 3rd of Feb.I didn’t save the others. THE HEADLINE “Using Melatonin Supplements for sleep is on the rise, study says, despite potential health harms” THE “STUDY“DATED February 1, 2022, it totaled 669 words. It was a letter, not an in-depth research paper. Titled “Trends in Use…

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    Xenon Xenon is the ideal anesthetic. Xenon is a trace gas: a natural part of Earth’s atmosphere, occurring at approximately 0000087% (1 part per 12.5 million, or 0.08 ppm). It has 54 protons in its nucleus, so its atomic number is 54. It has a density of 5.894 kg/m3, about 4.5 times the density of our atmosphere at sea level, so it would sink if the air were still. This is a noble gas, one of the zero-valence elements, which don’t mix with “ordinary” elements (kind of a “Royal Family” – type thing)….. It will not take part in most common…

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    XCRATH !

    A few folks have had a look at my book, entitled “XCRATH !” ! Isn’t that nice ? It’s a Science-Fiction novel, based on XENON’s anaesthetic properties. The hooker is that Xenon is in high atmospheric concentration on man’s new planet. ***It’s the chronicle of space exploration by a multinational crew, with Alien contact, Action, Ecology, Psychology, Philosophy and Medical Humour.It is an easily readable 264 pages, including a glossary of names and Xcrath – English translations. It just occurred to me – if you are interested in a 258-page SciFI novel with “how to exceed the speed of light”…

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    Herbert, age 66 Two of my healthiest patients ( humans, not cats! Herman, age 65 Back in 2006 two of my previously healthy, unmedicated male patients, Herman, aged 65 and Herbert, aged 66, developed “multiple extrasystoles” (random, extra heartbeats) at the same time. The 65YO was a light smoker (5-7 cigarettes per day) and had a couple of beers per day, while the 66YO didn’t smoke, or take alcohol. Both had normal blood tests (except for low DHEA levels), chest Xrays and EKGs. At the time, I had just started prescribing DHEA, so I advised them to take DHEA. Herman…

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    “ADRENAL FATIGUE” Transient stress causes short-term increase of cortisol output by the adrenal glands.Cortisol inhibits D1 (type 1, 5-deiodinase enzyme) and promotes D3, reducing conversion of T4 into T3, increasing rT3 production and increasing conversion of T3 into (inactive) T2. By these mechanisms stress, whether physical, as in terminal illness, catastrophic infection, severe injury, major surgery, burns etc., or psychological, produces Intracellular Hypothyroidism. We sometimes find that the adrenals no longer respond with high cortisol production and often, cortisol tests show reduced production. MANY ILL EFFECTS CAUSED BY INTRACELLULAR HYPOTHYROIDISM ARE BLAMED ON “ADRENAL FATIGUE” Medical practitioners unfamiliar with deiodinase…