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    Good day! This note is directed to anyone, and everyone, regards my information “blog” as valuable in some way. I am disheartened to find that although my posts are opened and viewed by a fair number of readers, only a very few have subscribed and I am left wondering whether all the work I do is a total waste of time! Please reply to this: make a comment, offer a suggestion or request a topic which interests you – I am considering shutting down both CBHRT.ca and my SUBSTACK account (“the hormone bloggers SUBSTACK”). Maybe I should spend my summer…

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    Just to remind you – I am no longer adding to CBHRT.ca: I continue actively building my “hormones and health” blog, but new posts will be found on SUBSTACK. Please go to the URL below.https://substack.com/@cbhrt?utm_source=user-menu Sorry about this – I really love the CBHRT.ca website, but it is an added, unsupported expense. Please do Google SUBSTACK and look for “the hormone bloggers SUBSTACK” – there, you can either register as a free subscriber, or choose to support my efforts with a paid (inexpensive) subscription. Best wishes. Gervais Harry.